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Bismillahi rahmani rahim,

kembali lagi di blog saya chef abd muis gahar ( Aamiin) seperti biasah hari ini saya datang lebih awal karna chaf aldino ingin mengecek pisau saya tajam atau tidak, sebenarnya saa mau mengasah di rumah, namun di rmh banyak sekali kerjaan, apa lagi saya semalam ada tamu di rumah makan saya, jadi tidak sempat untuk mengasah pisau, nah setelah sampai di kitchen teman2 saya minta tolong untuk mengasah pisau mereka, pisau sudah selesai saya, lanjut mengerajakan apa yang saya prepare kemarin yaa itu pecce doang, peco doang sangat simpel genk, udang di panggang terus di beri sauce,

Selanjutnya saya melakukan preaperan untuk besok yaitu thai beef salad dan chineese spinach and peanut salad. Saya ke working chiler bersama teman kelompok saya untuk prepare.

hasil peco doang kali ini lumayan sempurna gank, alhamdulillah, selajutnya saya istrahat, karna kelelahan karna mulai, pagi belum sarapan. nah hari ini saya dan teman2 makan siang bareng lagi genk.

Recipe dari peco doang:
1 kg Medium-sized Prawns with sells,cut off swimming legs and antenas
250 gr Cherry tomatoes ,grilled for 1 minute and peeled ,cut into halves
4 tbsp Lemon basil (kemangi),sliced
4 tbsp Lime
To taste salt

Spice Blend:
60 gr Large red chilles ,grilled untill evently brown,halved ,seeded and sliced
4-7 Bird's eye chillie,grilled ad finely sliced
30 gr Candlenuts,roasted untill golden
1/4 tsp Salt

1.Grill or pan fry prawns ,without oil for 1 minutes .Allow to cool and peel shell.Reserve prawn shells for your next seafood stock.
2.Cut prawns into halves and them into even 1 cm cube
3.To make the spice blend ,combine all ingridients in a stonemortar or food processor and grind into a fine paste.
4.Combine all ingridients and blend well.Season to taste with salt.

Recipe Chinese Spinach and Peanut Salad

Ingridients :
500 gr Spinach ,tough ends removed
1 cup Raw peanuts
1 tbsp Peanut oil or vegetable oil
2 tbsp Chinese black vineggar
1 tbsp Light soy sauce
2 tbsp Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
2 tsp Minced ginger roasted white sesame seed for decoration

Procedure :

1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add spinach and over medium heat untill cooked through ,about two minutes. Drain spinach set aside to cool
2. Add oil and peanuts to a wok or small skillet. Heat oil medium heat and stir with a spatula continuously ,the skin off the peanuts turns dark brown and the peanuts turn golden brown. Turn off heat immendiately and tran peanuts to a plate cool
3. Combine black vineggar soy sauce,sugar,salt into a small bowl mix well and set aside.
4. When spinach is cool enogh to handle,squueze a water out of it with both hands. Chop spinach into pieces about 8 centimeters or 3 inches in lenght and transfer several smal serving bowls.
5. Right before serving ,top spinach with peanuts and dried with vinegar sauce. Garnish with sesame seeds serve immediately.


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