
Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarakatu
Kembali lagi di blog Om Muis yang terhitzzz dan terpopuler seindonesiaaa (Aamiin). Oke sebelum saya melakukan Daily Activity saya akan membagikan sedikit ilmu motto hidup yang mungkin bermanfaat bagi para pembaca blog saya Yahh mottonya adalah " Do Be The Best For The Best Life"

Walaupun kadang melelahkan tapi kita harus bersemangat karena sangat penting untuk kita di saat terjun ke dunia industri sebagai tanda bukti kita belajar d dunia kitchen.
Pada hari senin jam 07.00 kami oneline kemudian menunggu pak ical datang untuk memberikan arahan, sembari menunggu pak ical datang kami di bagi kelompok untuk membagi menu rotasi 2.1 dan saya mendapatkan kelompok 3 yaitu menu TRADISIONAL EGG DROP SOUP Tapii saat pak ical datang ada seeikit masalah yang membuat prepare kami terhambat yaituu masalah penginputan kemudian kami mengerjakan penginputan itu selama 1 jam,lalu mulai preparen kami. Kemudian istrahat shalat dhuzur dan kembali meyelesaikan prepare kami

Recipi :
1. Peanut oil (or vegetable oil) 1 tbsp
2. Ginger 1/2 tsp
3. Onion, chopped 1 pcs
4. Ground chicken (or ground turkey) 200 gr
5. Rice wine 1 tbsp
6. Salt or to taste 1 tsp
7. Chicken stock(*see footnote 1) 500ml
8. Frozen corn(*see footnote2) 340gr
9. Frozen peas (optimal) 85 gr
10. Potato starch 2 tbsp
11. Eggs( or 4 egg whites),beaten 3 pcs

Procedur :
1. Heat oil in a big pot until warm. Add ginger and white part of green onion. Stir a few times until fragrant.
2. Add ground chicken. Stir and cook until the surface turns white. Add sake and salt. Keep cooking until the chicken is almost cooked through.
3. Add chicken stkck and 2 cups water. Turn to high heat. Cook until bringing to a boil. Add frozen corn and peas. Continue to cook until bringing to a boil again.
4. While boiling the soup,combine potato starch with 1/4 cup water in a small bowl
5. Skim the foam from top the soup if you want it to look prettier(optional). Turn off heat.
6. Swirl potato starch slurry into the soup. Mix well.
7. Put a spatula( or a fork) against one end of the bowl with the egg in it. Slowly drizzle egg into the soup in a swirling motion.
8. Mix the soup again and taste it with a small spoon (be careful,the soup is very hot!). If the soup is not as thick as you'd like, mix a bit more potato starch slurry and add it into the soup. Add more salt to adjust seasoning if necessary.
9. Serve warm.

Sekian dari saya mohon maaf jika ada kata kata yang tepat penempatanya, mohon di koreksi
Wassalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


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