daily activity ( inggris version)

assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarakatu.
Today is mid test and our group gets a 1.4 rotation menu. I will tell you what I did in the kitchen when I was mid tess.

Today I woke up earlier than before, I am thankful to God that still gives me the opportunity to open my eyes in this beautiful world.
read the following dzikir when you wake up,
اَلَحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِيْ عَافَانِيْ فِيْ جَسَدِيْ ، وَرَدَّ عَلَيَّ رُوْحِيْ ،،
"Alhamdullillahilladzi afaaniy fii jasadiy, wa rodda alayya ruhiy, wa adzina lii bi dzikrih" [meaning: Praise be to Allah who has given health to my body and has returned my spirit and allowed me to dhikr to Him]. (Narrated by Tirmidzi no. 3401) Hasan according to Syaikh Al Albani)

after that I prayed at dawn at the mosque near my house, then I prepared to go to campus, but you still showed at 5:30 am I opened a 1.4 rotation note for better when I did later, I went to campus.

Today our group received a 1.4 rotation menu and we prepared all ingredients on Wednesday 13-13-2019, yesterday I made Baked custard tart. and after preparing all materials for 1.4 rotation and the menu for 1.4 rotation are:

1. Chicken liver and herb pate
2. Hollanddaise sauce
3. Clamp chowder
4. Spaghetti bolognese
5. Baked custard tart
6. Brioche

dan recipe dari Baked Custtard tart adalah :


shourtcrust pastry :
plain flour : 200 gr
salt : A pinch
fat ( batter or vegetable oil) 100gr
ice water : 2-3 tbsp procedur

sift the flour and salt into a bowl.cat the fat into small pieces and add it to the flour.
use your fingertips to rub the fat info the flour very lightly and evely until it begins to resemble fine breadcrumbs.
spinkle the water over the surface and stir with a palette knife until the mixture begins to clump together
turn out the pastry om to a lightly floured surface and prosess it together lightly with your fingers. cover and chill four about 30 minutes before use.


shourtcrust pastry, thwed if frozen 175 gr
enggs : 4 pcs
caster suger : 25 gr
Vanilla essens : 1/2 tbsp
milk 450ml
grated nutmeg : as needed procedur

roll out pastry on lightle floured surface and line a 20 cm (8inc) tart tinchill for 30 menutes, then bake blind in a preheated oven, 200oC for 15 minutes. remove the paper and beans of foil and returen to the oven temperature to 160 Drajat celcius.
lightly whisk the eggs with the sugar and vanilla essence in a bowl.heate the milk until warm and whisk into the beaten egg mixture.
strain the custrad into the pastry case.
springkle the tart with grated nutmeg. bake bake in the oven for 45 - 5- minutes or until the custrad is set and lightly browned. serve warm or cold

And today we are doing and doing all the appetizers, main course, soup, dessert. in the lapse, we do technical orders for us to one line and ordered to repeat baked custard tart which I made when I prepared and repeated baked custard tart, but replaced with yellow butter cake but yellow butter cake broke again but the senior had made chocolate muffins that made by seniors.

 “Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it’s too assertive to the naked eye.”!!!!!!


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